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Governing Body

West Bridgford School Governing body is an elected group of individuals who are responsible for supporting and challenging the way the school is run. We aim to ensure that every child's learning and progress within the school is paramount, and every child can develop to their full potential.

We are a diverse and enthusiastic team of people from the school and local community, including teachers, parents, governors elected for a specific skill (co-opted) and local authority governors (elected by the body that is responsible for maintaining the school).

Together with the pupils and staff, we set the aims and objectives for the school, develop policies and targets to achieve those objectives and monitor and evaluate progress of the school towards these objectives.

The Full Governing Body meets twice every term - there is one meeting with a focus on Finance, and one with a focus on Strategy.

In our Finance meetings we look at staffing and personnel issues and oversee the appointment of new staff and appraisal of current staff. We monitor the delivery of the school budget and allocation of funds. Here we are responsible for ensuring that the premises are in a good state of repair and the grounds well maintained. We also ensure that the school is complying with Health and Safety legislation.

In our Strategy meetings, we are responsible for monitoring the delivery of the National Curriculum and learning within the school. We review the School Improvement Plan and monitor its implementation. School policies are approved and we make sure that the requirements of children with special needs and disabilities (SEND) are met. Key areas such as equality, safeguarding, anti-bullying and spiritual development are also monitored here. 

Each governor is also allocated ‘link governor’ roles. They take a particular interest in these areas of school governance and are responsible for reporting back to the Full Governing Body about its progress.

Occasionally special committees need to be created to deal with certain issues e.g. a pupil discipline committee or Employee Grievance committee. These would be made up of appropriate representatives from within the School Governing body.

Current Members of the Governing Body.


Type of Governor

Term of office

Date of first appointment


Other Governance roles

Business interests

Beth Arnold

Associate member (no voting rights)

16 May 2024 to 15 May 2028

16 May 2024



Member of staff at school

Cat Bancroft

Associate member (no voting rights)

17 Nov 2020 to 16 Nov 2024

17 Nov 2020



Member of staff at school

Kate Boxall


18 Nov 2022 to 17 Nov 2026

18 Nov 2022

English subject link; GDPR; Cyber Security; Complaints



Jo Elbourn


2 Oct 2023 to 1 Oct 2027

2 Oct 2023

RSHE subject link



Elisabeth Gibbon


4 March 2023 to 3 March 2027

14 October 2016

Safeguarding; Head Teacher Appraisal; Science and DT subject link



Jat Hanspal


6 Oct 2022 to 5 Oct 2026

11 October 2019

Governor Training; ICT and website; Pay Committee; Art subject link

Governor at West Bridgford Infant School


Claire Hughes


21 June 2023 to 20 June 2027

11 October 2019

Health and Safety

Chair of Governors at West Bridgford Infant School


Lucy James

Local Authority

1 Feb 2024 to 31 Jan 2028

2 Nov 2015

Chair; SEND; Head Teacher Appraisal; MFL subject link

Parent governor at Bluecoat Aspley Academy


Dominic Judge


6 Oct 2022 to 5 Oct 2026

11 October 2019

Head Teacher Appraisal; Geography



Craig Martin


7 Oct 2021 to 6 Oct 2025

6 Sept 2005



Member of staff at school

Emma Nixon


18 Nov 2022 to 17 Nov 2026

18 Nov 2022

Vice Chair (Strategy); Wellbeing; Music and History subject links



Clare Shawcross


18 Nov 2022 to 17 Nov 2026

18 Nov 2022

Pay Committee; Maths and PE subject links



Shaarna Whitton


17 March 2022 to 16 March 2026

17 March 2022

Pupil voice; Maths subject link



Claire Wheeler


16 May 2024 to 15 May 2028

16 May 2024




James Willis

Head Teacher


30 August 2019



Member of staff at school