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West Bridgford Junior School is a Nottinghamshire County Council community school.  Our admissions criteria are determined by the Local Authority who manage all admissions to the school. 

We have strong links with West Bridgford Infants School and have a comprehensive transition programme when the children are in Year 2 at the Infants School.  During your child's time in Year 2, there will also be opportunities for parents and carers to come and have a look round our school.

Information regarding admissions and the application process can be found on the Nottinghamshire County Council website here:

Year 3 Welcome Meeting Wednesday 10th July

The information from the Welcome Meeting is now saved under the section called 'Newsletters'.

School admissions hub | Nottinghamshire County Council

If you are applying to change your child's school during the academic year, please find specific information about "in-year" transfers here:

Changing school in-year | Nottinghamshire County Council

If you would like to appeal an admissions decision made by the local authority, information and relevant documentation can be found here:

Appeal a school admissions decision | Nottinghamshire County Council

The admissions team can also be contacted by telephone on:  0300 500 8080